
Innovations 4 HER


Owlet Smart Sock – Guaranteed Peace for Nursing Mums

In order to function effectively, every Nursing mothers require your peace of mind, consciousness, and sanity intact, and there is a limit to what every mom can handle at one point in time. It becomes difficult when you have drag a buggy while you go about your home and businesses. Thanks to the Owlet Smart Sock technology that has made things easier and more convenient. This smart monitor is produced in form of a sock, and comfortably wraps around the baby’s foot in order to help all nursing mum track heart rate, oxygen levels and sleep using clinically-proven pulse oximetry, which relieves them of the stress of pacing about their baby’s rooms just to check up on them. The product is a better option for all nursing moms because it allows them to know and identify when something is wrong with their babies before consulting a doctor. The Owlet Smart…

iTBra: Smart bra Technology detects early signs of breast cancer

iTBra is a smart bra developed by Cyrcadia Health, that detects the early signs of breast cancer. The bra uses heat sensors to measure the woman’s circadian temperature, detecting if there have been any sudden changes which might indicate a problem or abnormal development within the breast cells. An examination using the iTBra takes between two and 24 hours, and only requires a woman to wear the bra. It’s less intrusive and embarrassing than a physical exam, and something that can be easily accomplished while going about one’s daily business. Results are then sent to the wearer’s smartphone or PC for later consultation. The iTBra, which is at a prototype stage, and now trialling the system with the Ohio State University and the Medicine X group at Stanford. This is because this technological method of detecting early signs of breast cancer remains untested and iTBra manufacturers, Cyrcadia Health require the…

The Smart bra that keeps you healthy

As a woman, you would want to make sure that you are always in the right healthy state to perform your daily functions which may range from handling business at the office to sorting out the dirty laundry at home and getting them cleaned. This is why it is important that you should always be in tip-top shape all the time. Usually, women will be advised to keep a constant check on their vitals, especially their heart levels in order to prevent stress-induced strokes or any abnormality in their body system. Then, the question arises, “How do I keep daily and regular check on my vitals?”. Heading down to the clinic for these regular check-ups on a daily basis can be a bit of a task on its own and still add to the stress which truthfully, we are trying to reduce. Therefore, it is logical that a solution which…

HAPIfork – Your Fitness Routine in a Kitchen Utensil

Every woman wants to be able to look her best at any time and always has to follow a healthy diet in order to keep her body in good shape and fit. There are certain factors that come to play when trying to keep your body in good shape; watching what you eat, when you eat and how you eat are most of the common factors to consider when aiming for a killer body. Usually, taking control of these factors can prove to be a daunting task and you would definitely need all the help you can get to reach your aim. This help can take different forms from a specifically designed diet to a well-rounded exercise plan and even a fork! This is especially important if you can always have your favourite meals and treats without any hassle. The HAPIfork is one of those cutting-edge devices that have…

Landit: The Professional Workspace for Women

There are a lot of women across the world who at one point in their professional life would want to effect a major change, all through these changes can only be made when there is an assured fallback plan; which is another job offer. The fact that this challenge to women in the workplace existed without an immediate solution led to a drastic decline in the number of women engaged in the workplace, whereas experienced and professional women stand out as the largest percentage of untapped human resources in companies and small businesses. Landit is one platform for women to easily make those career changes while having all the details they need to effectively manage themselves in their new jobs. It is gradually being referred to as the “LinkedIn for Women” by many, as the platform is designed to help its users especially when they are faced with transitional moments;…

Be a Mom and a Boss with WERK

By Anerobi, Chimezie Lotachi For most women in the professional world, the role of motherhood usually takes a toll on them when they start having children and this can cause issues in both their work and family lives. Organizations have adopted the option of allowing pregnant women take maternity leave for a certain period (let us not forget that each company has varying ranges of how long this would last). Then, the question arises if only this leave alone is enough for women and mothers to raise their children? Most often than not, there has always been a clash between the professional and home life of these women, who would end up having to give up one lifestyle for the other. This usually leaves a huge mark on these women and in worse cases; drive them to feel incomplete and then, depression. Annie Dean and Anna Auerbach are Professionals in…

Eve by Glow – More Than Just a Period Tracker

By: Hamzat Gideon Mamudu   It is only normal that more women are turning to the use of technology to help them take better care of themselves seeing that the influence of technology cannot be denied or ignored in any area. Thankfully, innovators have also paid attention to the women folk in their attempts at disrupting the way we live in our world today. While there are many apps built around women health and period tracking today, Eve Period Tracker has gone beyond the regular offerings by providing several features not found in many. The Eve Period Tracker is built specially to help women who are sexually-active but not ready to get pregnant, keep tabs with their mood, health, sex and exercise habits, birth control, ovulation, fertility, menstruation as well as other cycle symptoms and trends. Seeing that a woman’s period can significantly impact their sex life, there is, therefore,…