AW Welcome Mantra

Welcome to the World of Amazons, a world where the celebration of dogged and groundbreaking efforts of women form the lyrics of our anthem; a world where freedom and equality for women of all races and class are vigorously pursued and protected; a world where the flag of female leadership, innovation, impact, inspiration and aspiration is consistently flown at full-mast, signalling the dawn of an era where women have resolved to stand tall, refusing to be bowed down, incurably committed to taking on new territories, communities, changing one life after another, while leaving a trail of diverse possibilities for upcoming women to follow.

Amazons Watch Magazine is a publication, driven with a philosophy that is fueled by an undying passion and an absolute pleasure to tell stories of Amazons, that would shape cultures, influence purchasing decisions and government policies, transform economies; and most importantly inspire the teeming generation of upcoming women – this is our mandate.  This passion stems from a deep desire to see women from the developing world, take a seat on the decision tables of Global institutions, Peace missions and businesses. For only then, can the world experience meaningful development and progress.

We are truly committed on this path which we have gladly chosen to tread and we urge you to stay with us as we shine the spotlight on the unrelenting efforts of Amazons from Africa and other developing nations on the World stage

Thank you.