
Health & Wellbeing


Anger Management: How to Keep Your Temper in Check

Everyone gets mad, but it’s important to recognize when your anger has gotten out of control and it may be time to get professional help. It’s just a fact of life that sometimes you’re going to get angry. But if your anger is excessive, you may require anger therapy to help keep your emotions in check. How do you know whether your anger is over the top and if anger management might be helpful to you? “I would say that what is really important is for a person to really know themselves,” says Elena Moser, LCSW, a therapist in private practice and clinical director of the Women’s Therapy Center in El Cerrito, Calif. “If you have tended to get in trouble, interpersonally, by impulsively expressing anger, I would say hold off on expressing anger and give yourself time to cool off or talk it over. If you are the kind…

Healthy Living-Benefits of Fruits

On my part to discovery of self, I realized that I was uniquely made and not necessarily unfortunate as circumstances beyond my control made me perceive. First, I had to learn to love everything about myself, to be appreciative of all of my encounters and experiences that gradually sharpened me to the woman I desired to be. There were times I genuinely had to come to terms with the fact that I needed to put in more work to carve out a true virtuous woman, who was not only restricted to her strength but constantly improving on her weaknesses and one of those many aspects that I dealt with was my high tendency to put on a whole lots of weight especially “in the wrong places” if you know what I mean. I certainly could not keep up with blaming my excessive weight of over 107 kilograms (235lbs) on genetic…

The Effect of Non-prescribed Medication and Kids

The healthcare of children as every physician knows is very different from that of adults, while the world sees children as miniature versions of adults, in medical practice, there is a certain complexity that is associated with the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of children that is very different from that of adults. While the emphasis of treatment in adults is measured in the accuracy of the doses of prescribing medications that of children is measured on the precision of treatment, hence there is a big difference in the management of children who are barely 1kg apart in weight, and some children can be about the same age and weigh differently, therefore, requiring different doses of the same medication whether it be drugs, intravenous fluids or blood transfusion. In Africa and developing countries due to the underdeveloped nature of the Healthcare system, National Health Insurance Schemes are primordial levels of development,…

Amazing Benefits of Skin Exfoliation

Have you ever wondered why your skin feels so dry even after thoroughly moisturizing it? You begin to notice the presence of patchy white spots and flaky dead skin cells. If this is the case, re-moisturizing is only going to save you for a few minutes. The ultimate secret to a glowing skin is exfoliation. WHAT IS EXFOLIATION? Exfoliation is the process of removing dead, keratinized skin cells from the outer layer of your skin. It leaves the skin feeling smoother and fresher and therefore, makes it easier for skin products like serums, oils, and lotions to be absorbed into the skin’s surface. We often tend to skip this essential step of our beauty routine forgetting that it is just as important as deep cleansing and moisturizing. Exfoliation is especially of great benefit to those with oily skin. In addition to smoothing, improving skin tone and enhancing skin’s receptiveness to…

‘SLEEP’ is very essential for Healthy Living

Sleep is imperative for every human, especially for women. So what do you think will happen when disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea or recent ones like tight schedule cause you to lose sleep? Well, the implication is very simple; it affects your healthy life, particularly your heart. The importance of sleep can never be overemphasized, the 8-hour sentence in a useless void, the research is pretty clear on this point: sleep is sacrosanct for healthy living. It helps the brain, mood, keeps you sharp, strengthens your immune system, fights inflammation, and keeps your heart and blood vessels in tip-top shape. Shelby Freedman Harris, PsyD, Director of behavioral sleep medicine at Montefiore Medical Centers Sleep-Wake Disorders Center in New York City asserted that, “When you’re sleeping you’re regulating hormone levels, you’re regulating insulin levels, your blood pressure is being kept under control, there are a lot of things going on, and…

Exercising While Pregnant: The importance

There are usually many questions that come to mind when planning how to exercise during pregnancy. In this instance, I am referring to physical exercise that is, the bodily activity that improves or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. This type of exercise during pregnancy is important and can help with some of the common discomforts and even help prepare your body for labor and delivery. Exercise during pregnancy is considered a basic health routine as health care providers will have you continue with exercise you are involved in or start you on an exercise regimen if you are not active at all. Exercise is usually helpful for both you and your baby. Is exercise during pregnancy safe? Before you begin exercising, remember it is important to talk to your healthcare provider, overall and in most cases, exercise is safe during pregnancy. You will usually find it is…

How to Avoid the Health Risks That Come with Financial Stress

Chronic stress about money can affect your health. But you can find ways to overcome your financial stress and improve your well-being. Although your rising credit card debt, missed mortgage payment, or unpaid medical bills may not seem like they’re directly linked to your physical health, financial problems can affect more than just your credit score. According to the Stress in America survey published in November 2017 by the American Psychological Association, 62 percent of Americans report being stressed about money — and that stress could put them at a higher risk for lower-quality health. How Does Your Income Affect Your Health? Researchers have long known that money worries contribute to health worries. Financial stresses have been linked to migraine, cardiovascular disease, absences from work, insomnia, and more. It’s well documented, also, that financial stresses can negatively affect mental health, and contribute to depression and other mood disorders, according to…