
REFELA Trains Women in The Gambia On Politics and Governance

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The Network for Locally Elected Women of Africa (Réseau des Femmes Elues Locales d’Afrique, REFELA) in The Gambia,  representing a network of women who are elected local government officials in the continent, has undertaken the task of training train women on politics, governance, leadership and capacity building.

For its task, the Network received funding from United Nations Development Programme, The Gambia, to build the capacities of its members and get equipped with technical communication skills for the advocacy of a gender-balanced political system in the country. The campaign was structured to deal with thematic areas such as Political empowerment of women, the economic and political empowerment of women, and the role of women in peacebuilding.

REFELA President, Rohey Malick Lowe, explained that the network is a non-political body seeking to complement the efforts of government efforts and CSOs in women empowerment.

“The organization is created mainly to empower women because REFELA women are women of substance… Women should be part of any development of the country especially the post-presidential election.

“When it comes to politics everyone decides what to do but when it comes to the development of the country everyone should come together as one family,” she said.

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