
June 23, 2017


5 Ways You’re Losing Customers (And Profit) to Your Competitors

Without customers, no business would exist. Customers are responsible for paying the bills and making sure you remain in business. But what happens when you begin to lose your customers? Many female entrepreneurs have wondered why their customers don’t return and what can be done to turn the tables around. In this article, you’ll learn five common reasons why you’re losing customers (and profit) and what you can do about this. Let’s dive right in and see five common reasons why you could be losing customers and profits to your competitors; Poor Customer Service. This is by far the biggest reason why you’re losing customers and profit to your competitors. Consider the following statistics: 89% of customers will switch to a competitor immediately after a bad customer service experience. A customer who is dissatisfied will tell 9 – 15 people about their bad experience. 13% of people tell 20 people…

IISD Investigates How Sustainability Standards, Investment Frameworks Improve Situation of Women in Agriculture

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) released a policy brief exploring how global standards and guidelines contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment in agriculture. The brief, ‘How to Improve Gender Equality in Agriculture,’ explains how using voluntary sustainability standards (VSSs) and responsible investment frameworks (RIFs) enable monitoring on investment projects addressing gender inequalities. In May 2017, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) released a policy brief exploring how global standards and guidelines contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment in agriculture. The brief, titled ‘How to Improve Gender Equality in Agriculture,’ explains how using voluntary sustainability standards (VSSs) and responsible investment frameworks (RIFs) enable monitoring on investment projects addressing gender inequalities. It investigates if more can be done through these instruments to improve the situation of women in agriculture. The brief ascribes gender inequalities in agriculture to several factors, including women are less likely to hold statutory…

The Determination to Live Again: An Inspiring Story of Samantha Bennett

Medical practitioners have often said that the healing process begins from the will to be healed. Over the years, it has been observed that a good number of people who choose to fight their way through a deadly disease often triumph to the amazement of the doctors, family, and friends. In today’s article, we will be taking a look at the inspiring story of Samantha Bennett as narrated by Christina Heiser in her article “What It’s Like to Survive a Deadly Disease”. When Samantha Bennett was a baby, doctors told her mom she would never be able to walk or write. At just nine months old, Samantha had contracted bacterial meningitis, a rare (and sometimes fatal) disease that attacks the brain and spinal cord. Samantha survived—but her body was covered in scars, her face was damaged, and she had to have half of her right foot and a few of…